Justin Pearson


  • Maximizing value yield in wood industry through flexible sawing and product grading based on wane and log shape

    Kamran Forghani, Mats Carlsson, Pierre Flener, Magnus Fredriksson, Justin Pearson and Di Yuan
    Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, . 2024
  • When bounds consistency implies domain consistency for regular counting constraints

    Barnaby Martin and Justin Pearson
    Constraints, . 2022
  • A constraint-based local search backend for MiniZinc

    Gustav Björdal, Jean-Noël Monette, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    Constraints, . 2015
  • Toward sustainable development in constraint programming

    Nicolas Beldiceanu, Pierre Flener, Jean-Noël Monette, Justin Pearson and Helmut Simonis
    Constraints, . 2014
  • Underestimating the cost of a soft constraint is dangerous: {R}evisiting the edit-distance based {SoftRegular} constraint

    Jun He, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    Journal of Heuristics, . 2013
  • On matrices, automata, and double counting in constraint programming

    Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    Constraints, . 2013
  • On the reification of global constraints

    Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    Constraints, . 2013
  • Constraint programming for air traffic management: A survey

    Cyril Allignol, Nicolas Barnier, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    The Knowledge Engineering Review, . 2012
  • Contingency plans for air traffic flow and capacity management using constraint programming

    Karl Sundequist Blomdahl, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    Journal of Aerospace Operations, . 2012
  • An automaton constraint for local search

    Jun He, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    Fundamenta Informaticae, . 2011
  • Dynamic structural symmetry breaking for constraint satisfaction problems

    Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, Meinolf Sellmann, Pascal Van Hentenryck and Magnus Ågren
    Constraints, . 2009
  • Static and dynamic structural symmetry breaking

    Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Meinolf Sellmann
    Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, . 2009
  • Revisiting constraint-directed search

    Magnus Ågren, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    Information and Computation, . 2009
  • Solving necklace constraint problems

    Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    Journal of Algorithms, . 2009
  • A bound on the overlap of same-sized sets

    Olof Sivertsson, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    Annals of Combinatorics, . 2008
  • Air-traffic complexity resolution in multi-sector planning

    Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, Magnus Ågren, Carlos Garcia Avello, Mete Celiktin and Sören Dissing
    Journal of Air Transport Management, . 2007
  • Generic incremental algorithms for local search

    Magnus Ågren, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    Constraints, . 2007
  • Design of financial CDO squared transactions using constraint programming

    Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, Luis Reyna and Olof Sivertsson
    Constraints, . 2007
  • Clock difference diagrams

    Kim Larsen, Carsten Weise, Wang Yi and Justin Pearson
    Nordic Journal of Computing, . 1999
  • Constraints and universal algebra

    Peter Jeavons, David Cohen and Justin Pearson
    Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, . 1998
  • Combining communicating sequential processes and temporal logic

    Justin Pearson and Jeremy Bryans
    The Journal of the Estonian Academy of Science and Engineering, . 1998


  • Solving satisfaction problems using large-neighbourhood search

    Gustav Björdal, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, Peter Stuckey and Guido Tack
    CP 2020, . 2020
  • Exploring declarative local-search neighbourhoods with constraint programming

    Gustav Björdal, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Peter Stuckey
    CP 2019, . 2019
  • Generating compound moves in local search by hybridisation with complete search

    Gustav Björdal, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    CP-AI-OR 2019, . 2019
  • Declarative local-search neighbourhoods in MiniZinc

    Gustav Björdal, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, Peter Stuckey and Guido Tack
    ICTAI 2018, . 2018
  • Exploring properties of a telecommunication protocol with message delay using interactive theorem prover

    Mats Carlsson, Catherine Dubois, Olga Grinchtein and Justin Pearson
    SEFM 2018, the 16th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, . 2018
  • Automatic generation of descriptions of time-series constraints

    Maria Francisco Rodriguez, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    ICTAI 2017, . 2017
  • Design and implementation of bounded-length sequence variables

    Joseph Scott, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Christian Schulte
    CP-AI-OR 2017, . 2017
  • MiniZinc with strings

    Roberto Amadini, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, Joseph Scott, Peter Stuckey and Guido Tack
    LOPSTR 2016: Revised Selected Papers, . 2017
  • Systematic derivation of bounds and glue constraints for time-series constraints

    Ekaterina Arafailova, Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Pierre Flener, Maria Francisco Rodriguez, Justin Pearson and Helmut Simonis
    CP 2016, . 2016
  • Time-series constraints: Improvements and application in CP and MIP contexts

    Ekaterina Arafailova, Nicolas Beldiceanu, Remi Douence, Pierre Flener, Maria Francisco Rodriguez, Justin Pearson and Helmut Simonis
    CP-AI-OR 2016, . 2016
  • A constraint optimisation model for analysis of telecommunication protocol logs

    Olga Grinchtein, Mats Carlsson and Justin Pearson
    TAP 2015, . 2015
  • A modelling pearl with sortedness constraints

    Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Pierre Flener, Xavier Lorca, Justin Pearson, Thierry Petit and Charles Prud'Homme
    GCAI 2015: Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence, . 2015
  • Automated auxiliary variable elimination through on-the-fly propagator generation

    Jean-Noël Monette, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    CP 2015, . 2015
  • Constraint solving with bounded string variables

    Joseph Scott, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    CP-AI-OR 2015, . 2015
  • Implied constraints for {Automaton} constraints

    Maria Francisco Rodriguez, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    GCAI 2015: Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence, . 2015
  • A Constraint Programming Approach for Managing End-to-end Requirements in Sensor Network Macroprogramming.

    Farshid Bijarbooneh, Animesh Pathak, Justin Pearson, Valerie Issarny and Bengt Jonsson
    Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sensor Networks - SENSORNETS,, . 2014
  • A propagator design framework for constraints over sequences

    Jean-Noël Monette, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    AAAI 2014, . 2014
  • Linking prefixes and suffixes for constraints encoded using automata with accumulators

    Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Pierre Flener, Maria Francisco Rodriguez and Justin Pearson
    CP 2014, . 2014
  • Model-based protocol log generation for testing a telecommunication test harness using {CLP}

    Kenneth Balck, Olga Grinchtein and Justin Pearson
    DATE 2014: Design, Automation and Test in Europe, . 2014
  • Propagating regular counting constraints

    Nicolas Beldiceanu, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Pascal Van Hentenryck
    AAAI 2014, . 2014
  • A parametric propagator for discretely convex pairs of sum constraints

    Jean-Noël Monette, Nicolas Beldiceanu, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    CP 2013, . 2013
  • Airspace sectorisation using constraint-based local search

    Peter Jägare, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    ATM 2013, the 10th USA / Europe Seminar on Air Traffic Management R\&D, Chicago, Illinois, USA, . 2013
  • Bounded strings for constraint programming

    Joseph Scott, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    ICTAI 2013, . 2013
  • Generation of implied constraints for automaton-induced decompositions

    Maria Francisco Rodriguez, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    ICTAI 2013, . 2013
  • Optimising quality of information in data collection for mobile sensor networks

    Farshid Hassani Bijarbooneh, Pierre Flener, Edith Ngai and Justin Pearson
    IWQoS 2013, the 21st IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service, . 2013
  • Solving string constraints: The case for constraint programming

    Jun He, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Wei Zhang
    CP 2013, . 2013
  • An optimisation-based approach for wireless sensor deployment in mobile sensing environments

    Farshid Hassani Bijarbooneh, Pierre Flener, Edith Ngai and Justin Pearson
    WCNC 2012, the 10th IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, . 2012
  • Combinatorial problem solving over relational databases: View synthesis through constraint-based local search

    Toni Mancini, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    SAC/CSP 2012, the track on Constraint Solving and Programming of the 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, . 2012
  • Solution neighbourhoods for constraint-directed local search

    Jun He, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    SAC/CSP 2012, the track on Constraint Solving and Programming of the 27th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, . 2012
  • Towards solver-independent propagators

    Jean-Noël Monette, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    CP 2012, . 2012
  • Energy-efficient task-mapping for data-driven sensor network macroprogramming using constraint programming

    Farshid Hassani Bijarbooneh, Pierre Flener, Edith Ngai and Justin Pearson
    ICS 2011, the 12th INFORMS Computing Society Conference, . 2011
  • Contingency plans for air traffic flow and capacity management

    Karl Sundequist Blomdahl, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    INO 2010, the 9th EUROCONTROL Innovative Research Workshop \& Exhibition, . 2010
  • Contingency plans for air traffic management

    Karl Sundequist Blomdahl, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    CP 2010, . 2010
  • On matrices, automata, and double counting

    Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    CP-AI-OR 2010, . 2010
  • Solving necklace constraint problems

    Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    ECAI 2008, . 2008
  • Air-traffic complexity resolution in multi-sector planning using constraint programming

    Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, Magnus Ågren, Carlos Garcia Avello, Mete Celiktin and Sören Dissing
    ATM 2007, the 7th USA / Europe R\&D Seminar on Air Traffic Management, Barcelona, Spain, . 2007
  • Groupoids and conditional symmetry

    Ian Gent, Tom Kelsey, Steve Linton, Justin Pearson and Colva Roney-Dougal
    CP 2007, . 2007
  • Structural symmetry breaking for constraint satisfaction problems

    Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, Meinolf Sellmann, Pascal Van Hentenryck and Magnus Ågren
    International Symmetry Conference, Edinburgh, UK, . 2007
  • Inferring variable conflicts for local search

    Magnus Ågren, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    CP 2006, . 2006
  • Static and dynamic structural symmetry breaking

    Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson, Meinolf Sellmann and Pascal Van Hentenryck
    CP 2006, . 2006
  • Compositional derivation of symmetries for constraint satisfaction

    Pascal Van Hentenryck, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Magnus Ågren
    SARA 2005, . 2005
  • Incremental algorithms for local search from existential second-order logic

    Magnus Ågren, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    CP 2005, . 2005
  • Set variables and local search

    Magnus Ågren, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
    CP-AI-OR 2005, . 2005
  • Comma-free codes

    Justin Pearson
    AI&M 2004, . 2004
  • Financial portfolio optimisation

    Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Luis Reyna
    CP 2004, . 2004
  • Introducing ESRA, a relational language for modelling combinatorial problems

    Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Magnus Ågren
    LOPSTR 2003: Revised Selected Papers, . 2004
  • Tractable symmetry breaking for {CSP}s with interchangeable values

    Pascal Van Hentenryck, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Magnus Ågren
    IJCAI 2003, . 2003
  • Breaking row and column symmetries in matrix models

    Pierre Flener, Alan Frisch, Brahim Hnich, Zeynep Kiziltan, Ian Miguel, Justin Pearson and Toby Walsh
    CP 2002, . 2002
  • Closure functions and width 1 problems

    Victor Dalmau and Justin Pearson
    CP 1999, . 1999
  • Efficient timed reachability analysis using clock difference diagrams

    G. Behrmann, K.G. Larsen, Justin Pearson, C. Weise and Wang Yi
    CAV, . 1999
  • Neural networks in the Clifford domain

    Justin Pearson and D.L. Bisset
    Neural Networks, 1994. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, . 1994
  • Back propagation in a Clifford algebra

    Justin Pearson and David Bisset
    Proceedings of the International Conference of Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), . 1992

Books and chapters

  • Clifford Networks

    Justin Pearson
    In Complex-Valued Neural Networks, World Scientrific. 2003


  • Protocol log analysis with constraint programming

    Mats Carlsson, Olga Grinchtein and Justin Pearson
  • Consistency of constraint networks induced by automaton-based constraint specifications

    Maria Francisco Rodriguez, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
  • Energy-efficient task-mapping for data-driven sensor network macroprogramming using constraint programming

    Farshid Hassani Bijarbooneh, Pierre Flener, Edith Ngai and Justin Pearson
  • Dynamic demand-capacity balancing for air traffic management using constraint-based local search: {F}irst Results

    Farshid Hassani Bijarbooneh, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
  • Toward an automaton constraint for local search

    Jun He, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
  • Introducing ESRA, a Relational Language for Modelling Combinatorial Problems

    Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Magnus Ågren
  • Breaking all the symmetries in matrix models: Results, conjectures, and directions

    Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson


  • Propagators and violation functions for geometric and workload constraints arising in airspace sectorisation

    Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
  • Automatic airspace sectorisation: A survey

    Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
  • Propagating regular counting constraints

    Nicolas Beldiceanu, Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Pascal Van Hentenryck
  • On the reification of global constraints

    Nicolas Beldiceanu, Mats Carlsson, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
  • On constraint-oriented neighbours for local search

    Magnus Ågren, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
  • Inferring variable conflicts for local search

    Magnus Ågren, Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
  • The Syntax, Semantics, and Type System of ESRA

    Pierre Flener, Justin Pearson and Magnus Ågren
  • A survey of tractable constraint satisfaction problems

    Justin Pearson and Peter Jeavons


  • Clifford Networks

    Justin Pearson
    Doctoral Thesis, , . 1995


  • A complete classification of Constraint Languages generated by binary entropic minimal clones

    Justin Pearson
  • Reducing The Number of Constraints in Symmetry Breaking During Search

    Justin Pearson
  • Computation with Clifford Valued Feed-Forward Networks

    Justin Pearson
  • Requirements Traceability and Formal Software Development or a Further Analysis of Requirements Traceability

    Justin Pearson